LEY Capital will help you choose the best lender for your business and communicate with you to determine how much would be best for you to borrow. This form of working capital is slightly less liquid than a business credit card, but comes with higher maximum amounts, allowing for more consistent, higher-value purchases at a lower interest rate than a business credit card. Contact us today to learn more!
Business Line of Credit
Secured Lineof Credit
LEY Capital’s secured lending program offers lower rates in exchange for the promise of some form of collateral. Our team of experts will help find the right lending option for you, as well as which lender would suit your situation best.
Once the collateral deal is established, we will communicate regularly and will be available for any questions you may have or at your request. Let our financial experts help you save money today!
Let us help expand your business
UnSecured Lineof Credit
- Lines of credit provide a pool of funding for projects that a company may take on. We only expect a return on what is used in that pool.
- Business credit cards are the most liquid assets available in unsecured funding. Making purchases for day to day operations has never been easier!
Let us help expand your business!